Thursday 20 February 2014


Yesterday i had an healthy discussion on whatsApp about Forgiveness...... 

Whether after forgiving one should re connect with the person who keeps hurting you repeatedly ???

My revealation ......

It is time to forgive so you can lighten your soul and enjoy your relationships. 

Forgiveness can bring back innocence and maturity, and return life to a state of love, compassion, ease and joy!

Forgiveness lightens your soul and the soul you are holding grievances towards. 

Forgiveness is simply reconnection. 

This does not necessarily mean you need to always physically reconnect with others though. 

Boundaries and discernment for what you need, especially when you are feeling fragile are just as important as forgiveness. 

Reconnection can mean reconnection to your higher self so you are able to have compassion for the mistakes of others and for the mistakes that you make. 

With forgiveness, you can recognize the innocence of everyone, knowing that the rate of growth happens at different speeds for individuals.

In forgiveness we are gentle towards our youth, compassionate with the elderly, empathetic with those who struggle, and tolerant of the ‘wrong doers’…. sometime in your life, you will be all of these.

Mercy is blessing others with our compassion and forgiveness (as long as there are no feelings or thoughts of superiority). 

Justice is giving people what they deserve...mercy is giving them more. 

When we have the humility to remember the countless mercies we receive throughout our life, we find the ability in our heart to show mercy to others.

Sometimes we fear forgiveness because we feel justified in our grievance, and if we forgave, we think we may become victims of further wounding. 

The truth is we were never victims of wounding. 

We attract these difficult experiences so we can develop our awareness, or understanding, for our own growth.

Often our lack of forgiveness is really about what we haven’t forgiven ourselves for. 

If we look close enough we will see we are actually doing (or have done) the same to others, or to ourselves. 

You may say to yourself, “I’d never act like THAT!” but perhaps the extreme act that someone did was to jolt you awake to the same or lesser acts you have done in the past; even the far distant past (or life times) that you did not make amends for. 

You can free yourself and others by making a deep heartfelt apology for a wrong that you may have inflicted upon another. 

Also you can see the actions of others as repressed part of yourself that needs to come into balance. 

For example; your partner ignores or dismisses your ideas – this can be used to your advantage by increasing your ability to become more assertive.

True forgiveness is saying we don't want the past to be any different. 

Forgiving people and thanking them for the experience and lessons they gave us will release us all so we can live full and happy lives!

You’ve reading this today to understand the importance of forgiveness. 

Without forgiveness, you create distance and superiority. 

Forgiveness is a choice, and the power to change your situation is in your hands - and in your heart. 

Divine Love
Divine Compassion
Divine Forgiveness


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