Monday 24 March 2014

“From Suicide to Sunshine”

Today i would like to share a Real Life story
From Suicide to Sunshine
Her Story:
I was walking alone on an endless pathway of life without any hope to live. My face was no longer as charming as it used to be.
Hair was messy, weight I was losing, not only my body was dying but my soul was crying.
Living in a hell of depression made the existence of my family and friends to null. Breakup with a guy after three and half years of relationship has changed my life forever.
It shattered me completely; I was on the verge of committing suicide.
I did not think about my family,
I did not bother about my career.
I was once a lively soul and now dying in life’s black hole.
My relationship with him was special.
He proposed me and committed to stay with me for life time.
Everything was good in the first year but was very different later.
I have seen so many dreams with him that my life was nothing without him.
As the year goes on our marriage was the dream seems a lot closer.
I asked him to speak to his parents for our marriage.
His failing attempts to speak to them made me crazy.
One day he asked his father about me but they refused to accept me.
I heard of all the illogically logical reasons of family, status, society and all.
I still waited for his parent’s approval.
He did not introduce me to his parents, family members or friends ever but I didn’t question him.
I had to convince my parents not to see any one for me (arranged marriage) as I already had my love with me.
This made me very frustrated and depressed.
Also I found that his attitude towards me was a little different.
After a few days I met Laila Mam and she introduced me to the secret of Life.
I found it so amazing that I immediately started applying the principles of her Intuitive Training.
I applied every principle correctly but even after seven months of practicing it, I didn’t get any result.
I sat down, cried and one day I decided to give up.
Two days later when I asked my boyfriend again if there is any progress at his place regarding our marriage, he denied and disconnected the phone.
I then decided to breakup with him as it was very difficult for me to take that pain any further. It was almost three and a half years of wait. I broke up finally.
But, I missed him a lot, cried like mad, somewhere deep down I still wanted him to come back.
Then life has its own choice. Though I have given up on using my Intuitive Powers, but the truth no one can give up and then slowly I started getting positive.
It was very difficult for me to overcome my relationship but Laila Mam's daily doses of positivity through her face book page and whatsapp attracted  awesome people just whom I needed.
One of them is Laila Angel who became my guide on my life’s journey and one more friend who is now my best buddy.
These two people guided and supported me on those challenging days of life. They stood like pillars for me and helped me overcome my past.
They made me understand how to see brighter side of life.
With time I started moving on.
I started believing more in the Universe and I started Understanding more.
At times I miss my boyfriend and I ask the Universe what went wrong.
I was doing everything right, giving unconditional love and gratitude to him and his family, but still why he hasn’t come to me.
That’s when I was asking, the Universe decided to answer every question of mine.
One evening a lady called me and introduced me as my boyfriend’s wife. After taking to her I got to know that he ditched me by saying that he was convincing his parents.
He was already a married guy 6 months before and he was fooling his wife and me. For a moment, it was like a nightmare for me.
But sooner I realized Laila Mam's Guidance when she did my reading but at that time i was unwilling to believe neither in her cards nor her.... sorry man but later I got my answer from the Universe, why it kept me away from a guy who was not matching my frequency.
I found that Intuitive Guidance always work in our favor for everything that we deeply desire, if that thing is not matching your frequency then it will automatically be sidelined from your life.
What I wanted a committed loving relationship from a person who loves me back equally, but this guy was not matching.
Though I went through a patch of pain but it taught me how to always work for my happiness.
Today, I am a free and an independent girl.
I am living my Intuitive magical life.
I am achieving my dreams.
I started glowing so much that people started noticing my beauty.
They love my sense of humor and love my company.
My colleagues love my work.
I am spreading joy being the sunshine and the whole Universe is falling in love with me.
I shared my story with you man because I have seen lots of people trying to get their love back; they try to manifest their soul mate and even some going through tough time but in doing all effort they have forgotten their true self.
Thank you Laila Mam i cant thank you enough for this transformation.....
I hope we all are experiencing such miracles,
it would be great if we start expressing
and through expression making a difference....
I promise you to take care of your Identity
by with holding personal information and your name.
What I suggest you if you facing similar problem:
1. First and foremost fall in love with yourself and be grateful to the Universe
                    Then Universe will take care of what you really need.

2. Prioritize your desires and make a list of what you really want not just relationship
                    or soul-mate but take a wholesome view of your life,
                    what you want in career, family, health and happiness also.

3. Love yourself immensely. Enjoy every day.

4. The one who is matching your frequency will come to you.
                    If your ex is the one who deeply and honestly in love with you he/she will come.
                    Else the right person at right time will find his/her way.

You need to trust your life; you need to trust your Intuition.
I believe this real life story has up lift your spirit and made you believe more in your Intuition.
Almost a year before when I met this girl, she was at distress,
her soul was dying and today she is beaming with joy and happiness.
She has taken her life from Suicide to sunshine.
If you are going through the same situation, follow this story ,
love yourself and trust the Universe, you will find your sunshine.
May the Universe fulfill all your dreams and bless you with abundance of Love , Bliss and Happiness. Amen

    Light & Fragrance
  Laila Ahmed

    Creating Possibilities

Friday 14 March 2014

Navroz Mubarak - Happy New Year

Special prayer that can assist your focus

Divine Presence in whom I live, move and have my being,

I ask for assistance in this awakening moment of Equinox.

Grant that I may create a structure of being 

that enables my Soul to thrive.

Give me a pure experience.
Create Stability and let me use that energy to live
in the power of the present moment,
Making choices that enable me to move
through the accelerating shifts of energy in perfect balance.

Bless me that I may be in harmony with 

my Soul’s Divine Blueprint
of Perfection and maintain my place 

of Balance within the Love awakening in my heart.

Allow this new stability to anchor into every area of my life
in a flexible form that allows freedom of movement.

May all my choices be in Harmony and Alignment 
with my Soul’s Destiny.

From the deepest place of Gratitude in my heart,
I say thank you for your blessings in every area of my life.
Be it so, and so it is. Amen

Saturday 8 March 2014

Connection to Connectivity
Hug everyone you meet, even if just in your mind.
Everyone has struggles and needs compassion,
no matter how they act.

Wrap even the most difficult person in a body blanket of love and acceptance.

A hug presses the message into another person,

“You are not alone.”

The beautiful thing about a hug is that as you’re giving one,
you’re also getting one.

Affirm : If my arms were long enough I would hug the whole world.

Divine Love , Light and Peace :)

Sunday 2 March 2014

Natural Unfolding

The card Natural Unfolding is about all the beauty within you, developing with ease and grace!

When you accept that you are naturally unfolding, life gets easier.

Imagine that you are naturally unfolding, and naturally flowing just like a river. 
Like a river, there are times when the movement slows, rushes, pounds against boulders and even back eddies. 
Flow with the current; not against it. 
Understand that back eddies are times of rest or reflection, and that as you mature and fill with self-love, your inner waters will rise, and the ‘pounding against boulders’ will be no more!
 If your ‘waters are pounding against the boulders’, recognize the resistance, and then access your self-love and inner wisdom to release you from any heavy thoughts or feelings regarding your situation so you can live in harmony and return to the gentle flow of life.

In nature, all living things grow and change, and humans are no exception. 

We are unfolding naturally just like a flowering tree.

It unfolds from a seed to a seedling, and from a seedling to a blossoming tree….

all necessary stages. 

The seedling, for example, can be a little crooked or fragile, 

but it still has equal importance to the fragrant bloom. 

We have all experienced times of fragility and times of strength.  

Accept nature (universe, planets, humans and all that is in form) as it is, along with believing that all things grow and change. ­

  • Natural Unfolding is also about creating nothing, planning nothing and learning nothing.
  • Instead of planning and creating, just envision your dreams and be open, discerning and responsive to what comes your way.
  • Instead of becoming anxious with a need to control a specific outcome, take the road of optimism and trust, and your dreams will then be accomplished with joy and ease.
  • And instead of learning, just let your body absorb it for you – you will receive what you need to know in the moment.
  • The easiest way to learn is through the natural curiosity of fun and through interesting activities. You will learn more quickly this way, and it will have deeper meaning in your life, and increase your enthusiasm for living.

As you naturally unfold you become more in-tune with your needs and desires. 
As you naturally become more in-tune, 
you naturally experience less stress and suffering and unexpected problems. 
As you grow you can choose the fun and easy path so the unexpected problems happen less and less, and the self-created peace, pleasures and adventures occur more and more.